

欢迎来到继续教育! With the mission of providing high quality professional development and personal continuing education opportunities for nontraditional learners. 该学院是企业的主要入口, 行业, 制造商, 军事, 非营利组织, 和政府机构对ODU的资源.

与学院的教员合作, 学校的课程是定制的,以满足高需求领域, 由我们的 商业、工业和军事领域的合作伙伴. The School provides comprehensive educational resources that deliver innovative workforce solutions which include developing and delivering programming as well as 市场营销, 注册和项目评估.

继续教育 is customer service oriented and prepared to serve the ODU community and beyond. Please contact us to see how we can help take your career, or your business, to the next level.



以满足我们当地不断变化的需求, 区域和全球社区通过在线和面对面的服务. 我们帮助学生、专业人士和终身学习者前进并保持领先地位.


We are a team of dedicated continuing education professionals with over 80 years of combined experience in administering continuing education and professional development programs. 我们的跨学科团队拥有项目策划方面的技能和知识, 替代教师准备, 市场营销, 对非学分课程和学分课程进行预算. Our unique approach to continuing education programming is designed to assist each student in their personal learning journey.

蕾妮R. 毛毡类,艾德.D.


蕾妮R. 毛毡类,艾德.D.


蕾妮毡合 currently serves as the assistant vice president for academic initiatives and continuing education at ODU. 在她的角色中, she works with faculty and staff to create pathways to add value to the credit and non-credit programs at ODU. 她在ODU的重点是创建与学位课程相一致的证书, 哪些能让学生毕业后更有市场. Felts also works with business and 行业 to create customized programming that align with employer needs. 在来ODU之前, she served as vice president for institutional advancement and workforce development and executive director of the foundation at Paul D. 坎普社区学院. 在Paul D. Camp, she assisted in creating workforce programs that aligned with 行业 needs.

Felts holds a doctorate in higher education leadership from Northcentral University. 1987年,她获得了老自治领中学教育硕士学位, 1984年获得巴顿学院商业教育学士学位.







罗伯特·多尔蒂 has been with bet8体育娱乐入口's 继续教育 since 2007. 他目前是继续教育主任, 大学资格认证中心, 先前学习评估计划, 和专业发展中心.

Mr. 多尔蒂的工作既有信用项目,也有非信用项目, 包括IDS领导专业, 专业领导证书课程, 以及亚马逊的AWS学院. 另外, 他负责该大学的君主教育注册平台, 并担任联合首席研究员, 高级人员, and Microcredential Designer on various grants from both the United States Government, 以及弗吉尼亚联邦.







黛博拉avan自2008年以来一直在Old Dominion大学工作. 在那段时间里, 她领导了包括高管发展在内的各种学科的编程, 工程, 口腔卫生, 和测试准备. 另外, she's led credit certificate programs including Public Sector 领导 and 项目管理, as well as contract training agreements with firms such as Newport 网站登录 Shipbuilding.

她多年的编程前端经验, and back end of administration give her the unique ability to see any program through from inception to completion. In addition to her programming responsibilities, Deborah also serves as the MonarchCE Registrar.







皮特·贝克 is a Hampton Roads native currently serving as Curriculum Coordinator within ODU's Career Switcher Program.

皮特获得了博士学位.D. 2012年从ODU毕业, 2008年获得ODU普通中等教育硕士学位, 并在威廉学院获得英国文学和写作学士学位 & 玛丽在2005年. 除了他在职业转换项目中的工作, Pete是ODU继续教育项目的讲师.

Pete's current research agenda includes studies on epistemological beliefs development, 幼儿政策, 以及教学技术. Pete enjoys fishing, live music, and sharing life with his wife and young children.







格雷格·弗里克从美国海军退役后,于2005年加入ODU. 在海军服役期间. 弗利克主要驻扎在诺福克, 在弗吉尼亚服役,在不同的船上服役, 包括爱荷华号战列舰(bb61).

Mr. Flick then started his career at ODU as the Fiscal Technician for the English Language Center. In 2018, he transitioned to the position of Financial Analyst for 继续教育.

Mr. 弗里克喜欢跑步,并完成了几次半程马拉松. Growing up in Colorado has given him a great appreciation of the Denver Broncos who he follows each year. Mr. Flick has been married to his wife for almost 30 years and they have two children who they have adored watching grow up and move into adulthood.







卡特里娜·文森在ODU继续教育部门工作了22年, 担任财务管理员. She has used her years of training in Accounting as well as personal development training to master her skills.







萨曼莎法比奥 currently serves as the Student support manager for the VDOE Career Switcher program at ODU and the Program Coordinator for Education and 咨询 programs within 继续教育.

夫人. 法比奥拿的是B.S. in Psychology with an emphasis in Criminal Justice from bet8体育娱乐入口 as well as an Associates of Science in Social Science from Tidewater 社区 College. 夫人. Fabio is currently a member of the National Association for Alternative Certification. 夫人. Fabio拥有超过3年的高等教育管理经验.






Rhyanne亨利 serves as the 高级项目经理 for 继续教育 at ODU. 终身学习的倡导者, her focus is on providing non-credit programs and certificates that create opportunities for individuals and communities and meet 行业 needs. She has over 12 years of experience in higher education and higher education consulting. 最近, she consulted on strategic enrollment management plans and served as the AVP of Enrollment for Trevecca’s School of 研究生 and Continuing Studies.

她拥有特里维卡大学的领导学博士学位, 罗林斯学院MBA学位, 并获得斯泰森大学社会学学士学位.

蕾安喜欢远足,划船和皮划艇与她的丈夫20年. She spends her free time cheering for her kids in basketball, track, cross country, and tennis.






克里斯汀·马修斯是继续教育部门的招聘/营销经理. 她在招聘方面有超过20年的经验, 市场营销, 为企业对消费者的各个行业提供培训和销售, 企业对企业, Business-to-Government, 及非牟利市场.

Coming from a 军事 family, Christine has called Hampton, Virginia home since 1980. She enjoys spending time with her husband of 25 years and visiting her daughter and son-in-law in El Paso Texas.







奥利维亚·胡佛是我们继续教育团队的最新成员. 作为SoCE项目服务专家, Olivia is involved in the day-to-day operation of the School's programming and is the main point of contact for inquiries.

朴茨茅斯人, 奥利维亚通过辅导参与社区活动, 社区服务和志愿服务.